How to Stay Motivated—and Winning—in Sales

Posted by Lucrativ on 7/25/19 5:30 AM


Did you know that 46% of salespeople didn’t intend to go into sales?

If you are a salesperson, you’d probably understand why. Sales is not easy. It is a daily grind. You need to hustle every day, and be on your toes all day.

Of course, it has its perks, especially if you make a sale. But getting to the sale requires hard work, perseverance, patience, and a lot of motivation.

Motivation keeps you inspired and feeling positive. And optimistic sales pros outperform pessimists by 57%. (That’s even true when pessimists have better selling skill sets.)

So how do you stay motivated in sales?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, tired, defeated, remember these tips and get back on track.

9 Ways to Stay Motivated in Sales


Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

 1. Know your WHY

Even if you are part of the 46% who didn’t intend to go into sales, now that you are in Sales, it’s good to identify your WHY. Why do you do what you do? Why do you get up in the morning? Why is this job important to you? Why are you here?

Knowing your WHY helps you stay focused and gives you the primary motivation for doing what you do. You become more intentional with your tasks, as opposed to just going through the motions of performing them.

Your WHY also helps you stay committed to your job and your goals.

2. State your goals

Don’t just know your goals. List them. Claim them.

State your short-term and long-term goals. We recommend that you list down your daily or weekly, monthly, and annual goals. The short-term, daily or weekly goals are important because they keep you on track and on a steady pace. You avoid the risk of having to rush last-minute to achieve your monthly or long-term goals.

The long-term, big goals are just as important. And don’t be scared to set BIG goals. Go as big as you want. The big goals keep you hungry and driven.

3. Invest in yourself

People with a growth mindset (believing in yourself, in learning, and personal development) are more likely to succeed. That’s a fact. They invest in themselves, in knowing more, and in becoming better.

Attend coaching seminars and training sessions. Embrace every opportunity to learn. Follow thought leaders on social media. Read books and blogs. Listen to podcasts. Find a mentor. Tap into all resources that promise growth and improvement.

By investing in yourself, you give yourself more reasons to do good at what you do.


Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

4. Surround yourself with inspiration

You’ve heard of that quote: “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” Surround yourself with people who have done great, big things. People who are more successful than you. People who know more than you do.

You will learn from them and they will inspire you to be like them.

Inspiration can also come from your physical surroundings (like your home or office) and any other resources that uplift your senses and spirit.

5. Have a “system for success”—but be flexible

Investing in yourself and surrounding yourself with greatness will teach you a lot, and pretty soon you will work out your own processes.  You don’t want to fall into a routine, but having a system helps you stay focused. Have a checklist of things you should be doing for the day, every day. Know what processes—from cold calling and prospecting to presenting and closing deals—work best for you.

But there will be instances when you will have to adjust your ways. Learn to recognize those moments and be flexible.


6. Reject negativity

Rid your life of any negativity, whether that’s a person, a thought, a habit, or a situation. They distract you and dampen your spirit.

In sales, losses come with the wins. If you do strike out, don’t dwell on those losses. Learn what you can from the lost deal then move on to the next opportunity. Work through problems and disappointments. You have to see these challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, and not as setbacks. Always stay positive to stay motivated.

7. Be your own biggest fan 

We are our own worst critics. Why not change the cycle and be your own biggest fan? Love yourself. Believe in yourself. It will be very hard to stay motivated if you don’t trust your skills and capabilities.

Don’t be a blind fan though. Acknowledge mistakes and areas for improvement but always engage in positive self-talk.

8. Reward yourself

Celebrate your wins—big and small—and reward yourself. The rewards are always something to look forward to and will only encourage you to keep going for the win.

9. Take care of yourself

Sales burnout is real. Take care of yourself. Practice all the positive, self-nourishing habits: eat well, get enough sleep, pamper yourself, and stay in shape. Looking good also helps you feel good.

Have a life outside sales. Sales is part of your life; it's not your life. Connect with friends and family. Spend time engaging in hobbies and/or activities that stimulate your senses and put you in an upbeat mood. 

All these self-nurturing pursuits set you in a better mood and give you the energy and gusto to do more and to do your best. 

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Main photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

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