A Concise Guide to Sales Forecasting (An Infographic)

Posted by Lucrativ on 5/24/19 5:30 AM



Like any kind of forecasting, sales forecasting is a hit-and-miss thing. You either get it right or you get it wrong. It's not perfect and it doesn't have to be.

But businesses will still benefit from sales forecasting. It helps in budgeting, driving sales, tracking performance, and managing the selling process.

There are many methods in sales forecasting and it's up to business owners to decide on which one fits their business model best. In this infographic, we discuss some of the easier ones to implement. But, again, take note: there are many different methods.

Here’s A Concise Guide to Sales Forecasting that you can use for yourself, or share with the team. (You can download the PDF here.)

Lucrativ_A Concise Guide to Sales Forecasting


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